BRAG: 179 Little Lake Dr., Ann Arbor, MI 48103
Breakfast at 9:00 AM
Legal Class Starts Promptly at 9:30 AM
(Sign in before each class)
QUESTIONS? CONTACT: coned@nulllibertytitle.com
Liberty Title: Monica Ahrens | 248-840-6033 | mahrens@nulllibertytitle.com
Trademark Inspection Services: Kristie Updyke | kristie@nulltrademarkinspectionservices.com
First Merchants Bank: Erica Powers, NMLS ID #739673 | 248-871-0923 | epowers@nullfirstmerchants.com
* Must be on time, signed in, and stay through class completion to qualify for Con Ed credit
**Include all 10 digits of your RE License ID
*** Make sure to register early to hold your spot!
For accurate reporting, is your CE Marketplace profile up to date?
Certificates of Completion will be emailed from CE Marketplace