Con Ed 2 Classes-Ann Arbor at BRAG

Liberty Title Sponsors Con Ed & other Events for All Real Estate Professionals

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Class #1:  Construction and Renovation Loan Process | C134264 | 9:30AM
Class #2: What To Do With All The Stuff: How to get your client’s home in MLS faster | C134001 | 11:15AM

BRAG: 179 Little Lake Dr., Ann Arbor, MI 48103
Classes to start promptly | Lunch and refreshments provided


Monica Ahrens, Liberty Title  | 248-840-6033 |
Erica Powers, First Merchants Bank
Sharon McRill, Betty Brigade

* Must be on time, signed in, and stay through class completion to qualify for Con Ed credit
**Include all 10 digits of your RE License ID
For accurate reporting, i
s your CE Marketplace profile up to date?
Certificates of Completion will be emailed from CE Marketplace 

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